8:30 am Zion Lutheran - 11:00 am Our Savior's Lutheran
We are one in the Body of Christ and continue to pray and worship together.
1. Worship in person!
2. Worship in the comfort and safety of your own home
Worship Services can be found on Zion YouTube Channel livestream at 8:30 Sunday morning with recordings available later
You can also find links to our services on the Zion Lutheran Church Facebook page
Livestream Services Sundays 11:00 am on Our Savior's Lutheran Church Facebook Page:
Tune into FM 89.1 ! You can hear the services within the city limits of Kelliher and Blackduck.
Contact information:
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 22
249 Main Street West, Kelliher, MN 56650
Henry Huff - 218-647-8364
Diane Mostad 218-647-8728
Diane Mostad 218-647-8728
Zion Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 328
217 Main Street NW Blackduck, MN 56630 218-835-4530
Shirley Deno - 803-528-4622
Bob Sandbo - 218-556-2265
Bob Sandbo - 218-556-2265
Zion Lutheran, Blackduck & Our Savior's Lutheran, Kelliher are congregations of the ELCA
Working together to share the love of God and follow Jesus Christ
Please continue to support our churches if you can, by mailing your offering to the churches at the addresses above or directly to the following 501(c)3 accounts at our local banks:
Donations to Zion Lutheran Church can be sent to
Deerwood Bank, P.O. Box 429, 16 Summit Ave. W, Blackduck, MN 56630, 218-835-1234
Donations to Our Savior's Lutheran church can be sent to
First State Bank of Bigfork, P.O. Box 219, 184 Main St. E., Kelliher, MN 56650Attention: Caroline Houchin
You can also give online to Zion through the Vanco link above.
We thank God for your generosity!
Please also support organizations helping those in need like:
ShelfSavers Mobile Food Truck (Our Savior's is a community partner) through Beltrami county food shelf and United Way:
Deerwood Bank, P.O. Box 429, 16 Summit Ave. W, Blackduck, MN 56630, 218-835-1234
First State Bank of Bigfork, P.O. Box 219, 184 Main St. E., Kelliher, MN 56650
You can also give online to Zion through the Vanco link above.
We thank God for your generosity!
Worship With Us
Communion is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month!

Youth Club will have fun together - - - -
6th-12th Grade students join us for supper, games, sacred stories and prayer.
6:00-7:30 pm
Zion - 1st Wednesday of month -
Next gathering: Feb. 5, 2020
Our Savior's - 2nd Wednesday of the month
Next gathering: Feb. 12 2020
We will enjoy a Community Meal together
Zion serves a delicious & free community meal the First Monday of the Month October-May - 5-6:30 pm
Our Savior's has a potluck on the Fifth Sunday following worship at noon.
Lutefisk dinner. It's the best one. The last Sunday of October.